Membership Dues "*" indicates required fields Membership Type* Community Member (Parks) Associate Member (Businesses Industry) Invoice Number*Community InfoCommunity Name*Community City*Business InfoAssociate Member Dues Price: Business Name*Total Number of Spaces# of Manufactured Home Spaces*# of RV Spaces# of Marina SpacesTotal # of Spaces Entered Above*$225.00 for all parks that are 20 spaces and fewer Price: $225.00 $12.00 per space for all parks with 21-174 total spaces Price: $12.00 $11.00 per space for all parks with 175 or more total spaces Price: $11.00 Voluntary ContributionVoluntary ContributionYour voluntary contribution allows for those special industry enhancement projects and the continuation of MHCO's strong voice in the manufactured housing arena. Your contribution to the industry improvement fund is greatly appreciated! Yes, I would like to make a Voluntary Contribution $2.00 per space or $100.00 for parks with 50 spaces and fewer Price: $2.00 $2.00 per space or $100.00 for parks with 50 spaces and fewer Price: $100.00 Total DueMHCO Membership Dues payments are non-deductible up to 50% due to MHCO's hard work during the Oregon legislative sessions.Total Billing InformationBilling Name* First Last Billing Email* Credit Card NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.